Knowledge Centre

Episode 8 of Wayne’s Sustainability Snippets.

Bite sized snippets and insights that can help you better understand value-centric sustainability strategy.  

Read on.  Please let me know any thoughts, or anything you would like to see Snipitized in future issues.

CSR, SDGS and Communications

#TellStories #CommunicateValue #BeHumble #BeRelevant Use #SDGs Framework But get your story out. Internal & External Stakeholders.

Doing CSR without a strategic communications plan is throwing money away!  #BeSmart, #MaximizeImpact.  

In this five minute lecture we try to share some lessons and thinking on the importance of this and the how and why of it.

Taking Care In Business: Feature Podcast with Wayne Dunn

“Sustainability and social responsibility are key contributors to business value, not spenders of business value.”

Download/Listen here

Why is more important than How or What

#Why is more important than #How, or #What.  This applies in #CSR.  In #SDG engagement. Literally in pretty much everything, life, work, family and more.

Why is about your Purpose.  If you don’t know Why you are doing something, don’t ever expect to excel at the How and What

Read full article here…  

Kenya’s Ruto urges Africa to seize climate financing opportunities

Climate Finance can attract Billions to Africa, creating social, business and environmental value.

To learn more about some of these check this article on African Climate Finance

I hope you have found these snippets interesting and provocative.  Sustainability doesn’t have to be complicated.  In fact, it shouldn’t be.

It is all about value, aligning and integrating value for business, society and the environment.

Please let me know any topics you would like to see covered in future posts. (click here)

And, thanks for reading.

Wayne Dunn

Founder and President

Prof. Wayne Dunn

Wayne Dunn is an award-winning global sustainability expert with extensive teaching, writing, lecturing and advisory service experience. He is supported by an extensive faculty and advisory team.