Knowledge Centre


Prefer to do your learning by video? Have a look through our video archives to find actionable ideas to apply to your own business.

The SDGs Deserve Democratization

The #SDGs & #Sustainability apply to everyone. The language around them needs to be democratized and easily embraced by all. “Ph.D. speak” doesn’t do it.

Prefer to do your learning by video? Have a look through our video archives to find actionable ideas to apply to your own business, or check out our YouTube channel

The concepts behind the SDGs, poverty, education, health, gender equality and environmental stewardship are easily understandable. Yet, too often these simple concepts are hidden behind language and value propositions that (unintentionally) excludes many including those most marginalized and even the private sector. In this vignette Prof. Wayne Dunn challenges governments, international organizations like the United Nations and others to democratize SDG communications and be more effective at reaching people and businesses Learn how to use Sustainability, CSR and SDG engagement to create value for your business and society. See upcoming programs at

Vendors Sustainability and Strategic Advantage

Smart business uses #Sustainability, #CSR, #SDG engagement and social impact to strategic advantage with consumers, B2B customers, regulators, investors and other key stakeholders. Aligning social value, business value and environmental impact to create competitive advantage.

Prefer to do your learning by video? Have a look through our video archives to find actionable ideas to apply to your own business, or check out our YouTube channel

In this session Prof. Wayne Dunn discusses how customers, investors, regulators and stakeholders of all types are expecting business of all sizes to be more socially and environmentally engaged and how smart vendors are responding in ways that create business value and competitive advantage for them, as well as social impact and environmental stewardship

This video will be interesting for you if you want to learn more about how your sustainability spending can be used to create value and competitive advantage for your business, as well as social impact for society

Learn how to make Sustainability spending create value for your business and society as well as drive the #SDG agenda.
See upcoming programs at

SDG Engagement Cost or Strategic Opportunity

#SDG Engagement. Cost? Or strategic opportunity? Done strategically, to align social value, business value and environment, SDG engagement can drive opportunity, growth and competitive advantage. Especially when coupled with effective sustainability reporting.

Prefer to do your learning by video? Have a look through our video archives to find actionable ideas to apply to your own business, or check out our YouTube channel


In this lecture Prof. Wayne Dunn discusses how smart leaders can integrate the SDGs into strategy and use that engagement to create business value and competitive advantage.

This will be interesting for you if you want to learn more about the SDGs and how they can be used to further social impact as well as business value and competitive advantage.

Learn how to use SDG engagement for social impact and to create value for your business.
See upcoming programs at

Why Do the SDGs Matter for Business

Smart businesses is embracing the #SDGs as a pragmatic framework to align #CSR, social impact, environmental stewardship and business value. Integrating the SDGs into strategy drives social impact, shareholder value and competitive advantage.

Prefer to do your learning by video? Have a look through our video archives to find actionable ideas to apply to your own business, or check out our YouTube channel

In this vignette Prof. Wayne Dunn discusses how progressive leaders are using SDG engagement as an efficient mechanism to facilitate alignment of social, environmental and business value, simultaneously enhancing stakeholder relationships, societal impact and competitive advantage.

This video will be interesting for you if you want to learn how to respond to increasing social and environmental performance expectations and use that to create value and competitive advantage for your business, as well as social impact for society

Learn how to use the SDGs to create value for your business and society as well as drive the #SDG agenda.
See upcoming programs at

CSR, SDGs, Business and Government

#Sustainability, #CSR and #SDG impact are tools that smart governments and investment promotion agencies are using to attract leading investors and investments to their shores

Prefer to do your learning by video? Have a look through our video archives to find actionable ideas to apply to your own business, or check out our YouTube channel

In this vignette Prof. Wayne Dunn discusses how “A” list companies are looking for opportunities to make financial returns AND support their sustainability goals and objectives.

This video will be interesting if you are working to attract investment into your country, involved in Free Zones or seeking to understand emerging dimensions of global trade and investment strategy and how sustainability and social responsibility is an increasing important factor in investment decisions.

Learn how to use Sustainability, CSR and SDG engagement to create value for your business and society.
See upcoming programs at

Social Responsibility, the SDGs and Human Resources

#Sustainability performance and #SDG, #CSR engagement can be your most effective strategy for recruiting and retaining top talent and creating high performance teams.

Prefer to do your learning by video? Have a look through our video archives to find actionable ideas to apply to your own business, or check out our YouTube channel

In this vignette Prof. Wayne Dunn discusses how smart businesses are creating value and competitive advantage by using SDG engagement and social responsibility to attract and retain top talent and to drive cohesiveness and team performance.

This video will be interesting for you if you want to learn how to respond to increasing social and environmental performance expectations and use that to create value and competitive advantage for your business, as well as social impact for society

Learn how to use the CSR and SDG engagement to create value for your business and society.
See upcoming programs at

The SDGs Are Not A Charity Agenda

The #SDGs and #CSR are not a charity agenda. They are business imperatives that, when addressed strategically, create business value, social impact and competitive advantage. If ignored, expect the opposite.

Prefer to do your learning by video? Have a look through our video archives to find actionable ideas to apply to your own business, or check out our YouTube channel

In this vignette Prof. Wayne Dunn discusses how smart businesses are using SDG engagement and social responsibility as an efficient mechanism to facilitate alignment of social, environmental and business value, simultaneously enhancing stakeholder relationships, societal impact and competitive advantage.

This video will be interesting for you if you want to learn how to respond to increasing social and environmental performance expectations and use that to create value and competitive advantage for your business, as well as social impact for society

Learn how to use the SDGs to create value for your business and society as well as drive the #SDG agenda.
See upcoming programs at

[Video] SDGs, CSR & the Private Sector

#SDGs are more than simply a government development dream. #SmartBiz is integrating the #SDGs into #BizStrategy, driving #BizValue, #SocialValue & #EnvironmentalStewardship. Today, #SmartBiz creates social and environmental impact while creating business value. The SDGs are a great framework to facilitate that, and to enhance government and stakeholder relationships and grow reputational capital at the same time.

Prefer to do your learning by video? Have a look through our video archives to find actionable ideas to apply to your own business, or check out our YouTube channel

[Video] Sustainability Reporting

#SustainabilityReporting makes #BizSense. Using #SDG framework is #SmartBiz #GRI compliant is becoming the norm. Investors, regulators, employees & other stakeholders expect it. #SustainabilityReporting makes #BizSense. Using #SDG framework is #SmartBiz #GRI compliant is becoming the norm. Investors, regulators, employees and other stakeholders expect it. Over 90% of global 250 are reporting and numbers rising rapidly on all fronts. Sustainability reporting is fast becoming a de-facto requirement via @YouTube

Prefer to do your learning by video? Have a look through our video archives to find actionable ideas to apply to your own business, or check out our YouTube channel

[Video] SDGs, CSR & the Banking & Finance Industry

#SDGs, #CSR & Banking & Finance. Its all about value! #BizValue, #SocialValue, #EnvironmentalStewardship. Aligning, integrating, optimizing & reporting. #NotZeroSum #SmartBiz knows this and performs better on all dimensions. Financial, social, sustainability & more.

Prefer to do your learning by video? Have a look through our video archives to find actionable ideas to apply to your own business, or check out our YouTube channel

Prof. Wayne Dunn

Wayne Dunn is an award-winning global sustainability expert with extensive teaching, writing, lecturing and advisory service experience. He is supported by an extensive faculty and advisory team.