Snack-sized snippets and insights that can help you profitably navigate your career and business through the increasing importance of Sustainability..
Read on. Please let me know any thoughts, or anything you would like to see Snipitized in future issues.
Private Sector and the SDGs interview with Wayne Dunn
The private sector has much to contribute to the SDGs, and much to gain by engaging and contributing. Aligning SDG Impact and BusinessValue is SmartBiz.
A 30 minute interview on with noted Ghanaian journalist, Odelia Ofori Ntiamoah for her Development Agenda SDGs, Local Impact | Global Goals series.
Public Private Partnerships: CSR & Shared Value Partnerships for the SDGs
Sustainability, Social Responsibility and Shared Value are today’s most important issues for shareholders according to Harvard Business Review.
The world has changed. Society expects business to create social value along with shareholder value and is prepared to punish those that don’t.
Who? Me? Responsible for CSR?
Shared Value requires Shared Responsibility: Whose Responsibility is Corporate Social Responsibility?
Watching some of the discussion on corporate social responsibility it sometimes seems like governments, communities, NGOs and everyone else expects to sit back and have somebody (aka business) deliver CSR to them on a silver platter.
The ESG and Global Investor Returns Study analyzed data on over 13,000 companies across a variety of industries around the globe and found that companies with better ESG ratings outperformed their peers with lower ratings. |
Learn more |
I hope you have found these snippets interesting and provocative. Sustainability doesn’t have to be complicated. In fact, it shouldn’t be.
It is all about value, aligning and integrating value for business, society and the environment.
Please let me know any topics you would like to see covered in future posts. (click here)
And, thanks for reading.
Wayne Dunn
Founder and President