Knowledge Centre

Episode 4 of Wayne’s Sustainability Snippets.

Bite sized snippets and insights that can help you better understand value-centric sustainability strategy.  

Read on.  Please let me know any thoughts, or anything you would like to see Snipitized in future issues.

Analyzing Sustainability Spending

#CSR budgets must create value & #SDG impact. If they don’t they shouldn’t be funded. Don’t waste company money on Do-gooder garbage.

Watch video to Learn more..

See upcoming programs at

Simple & Pragmatic

Wins the Day

This was written in response to a recent query I received and I thought it might be of broader interest so I am posting it on my blog. Read the full article here


No Free Ride for Sustainability Investments

Sustainability investments require rigorous scrutiny and evaluation, producing value. Read More…

Launch of ESG Institute and 10th Anniversary video

Catch the highlights of the launch of the Ghana-based, globally-focused CSR | ESG Institute and the 10th Anniversary of the CSR Training Institute.

Join with Industry captains, government and civil society leaders as we share in the journey of the past decade and the hopes and dreams for the future.

Watch video…


I hope you have found these snippets interesting and provocative.  Sustainability doesn’t have to be complicated.  In fact, it shouldn’t be.

It is all about value, aligning and integrating value for business, society and the environment.

Please let me know any topics you would like to see covered in future posts. (click here)

And, thanks for reading.



Prof. Wayne Dunn

Wayne Dunn is an award-winning global sustainability expert with extensive teaching, writing, lecturing and advisory service experience. He is supported by an extensive faculty and advisory team.