CSR Videos

The SDGs Deserve Democratization

The #SDGs & #Sustainability apply to everyone. The language around them needs to be democratized and easily embraced by all. “Ph.D. speak” doesn’t do it. The concepts behind the SDGs, poverty, education, health, gender equality and environmental stewardship are easily understandable. Yet, too often these simple concepts are hidden behind ...

CSR, SDGs, Business and Government

#Sustainability, #CSR and #SDG impact are tools that smart governments and investment promotion agencies are using to attract leading investors and investments to their shores In this vignette Prof. Wayne Dunn discusses how “A” list companies are looking for opportunities to make financial returns AND support their sustainability goals and ...

Social Responsibility, the SDGs and Human Resources

#Sustainability performance and #SDG, #CSR engagement can be your most effective strategy for recruiting and retaining top talent and creating high performance teams. In this vignette Prof. Wayne Dunn discusses how smart businesses are creating value and competitive advantage by using SDG engagement and social responsibility to attract and retain ...

The SDGs Are Not A Charity Agenda

The #SDGs and #CSR are not a charity agenda. They are business imperatives that, when addressed strategically, create business value, social impact and competitive advantage. If ignored, expect the opposite. In this vignette Prof. Wayne Dunn discusses how smart businesses are using SDG engagement and social responsibility as an efficient ...

Why Do the SDGs Matter for Business

Smart businesses is embracing the #SDGs as a pragmatic framework to align #CSR, social impact, environmental stewardship and business value. Integrating the SDGs into strategy drives social impact, shareholder value and competitive advantage. In this vignette Prof. Wayne Dunn discusses how progressive leaders are using SDG engagement as an efficient ...

Vendors Sustainability and Strategic Advantage

Smart business uses #Sustainability, #CSR, #SDG engagement and social impact to strategic advantage with consumers, B2B customers, regulators, investors and other key stakeholders. Aligning social value, business value and environmental impact to create competitive advantage. In this session Prof. Wayne Dunn discusses how customers, investors, regulators and stakeholders of all ...

SDG Engagement Cost or Strategic Opportunity

#SDG Engagement. Cost? Or strategic opportunity? Done strategically, to align social value, business value and environment, SDG engagement can drive opportunity, growth and competitive advantage. Especially when coupled with effective sustainability reporting. In this lecture Prof. Wayne Dunn discusses how smart leaders can integrate the SDGs into strategy and use ...

Integrating the SDGs Into Strategy

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-3_JKz7KfBM?rel=0 6-steps for integrating the #SDGs into your business strategy can drive profit, impact & competitive advantage. And create better communities & a healthier planet. Wayne Dunn discusses a simple six-step program that can efficiently produce results and impact. This video will be interesting for you if you want to ...

CSR, SDGs and Investment Strategy

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FhhqB51YzaQ?rel=0 #CSR & #SDG impact have become key performance indicators for mainstream investors, including the world’s largest investment fund. Smart leaders recognize that sustainability and CSR have moved from ‘do-gooder’ activities to core value creation drivers. Wayne Dunn discusses smart strategy & tactics that will create value & impact. #SDGs ...

[video] Vendors And Sustainability Reporting

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T8XcXTvT4XM?rel=0 Sustainability reporting can open markets, facilitate financing and foster management discipline for B2B vendors. Including #SDGs and #CSR and reporting to #GRI standards will enhance value, impact and results. In this lecture Wayne Dunn discusses how customers, investors, regulators and stakeholders of all types are demanding more information and ...

[video] Five New Year Resolutions for Smarter CSR

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WgXcMQqsEZ8?rel=0 5 New Year’s Resolutions for smarter #CSR #SDG Impact #Sustainability. 5 simple steps for creating more value, more impact and stronger competitive advantage. Wayne Dunn discusses 5 simple steps for smarter CSR and Sustainability. It may not be New Years, but fortunately these can be done any time. This ...

[video] Analyzing Sustainability Spending

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LkQXyRdC_hg?rel=0 #CSR budgets must create value & #SDG impact. If they don’t they shouldn’t be funded. Don’t waste company money on Do-gooder garbage. Prof. Wayne Dunn discusses how to analyze sustainability spending with rigour and a focus on value. He explains how leaders do a disservice to their company and ...

[video] Sustainability Reporting Is Smart Business

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3n3sFaPQ9cw?rel=0 Smart leaders and successful businesses are using #SustainabilityReporting for strategic advantage. Opening markets, improving stakeholder engagement and creating business value. Sustainability Reporting is Smart Business. Wayne Dunn discusses how Sustainability Reporting is becoming a de-facto requirement and how smart leaders and businesses are using reporting to their advantage. This ...

[video] CSR Reporting And Communication

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zSdt8Ednq7E?rel=0 #CSR & #Sustainability Reporting & Communications. A huge opportunity, but too often missed. Wayne Dunn discusses smart strategy & tactics that will create value & impact. #SDGs #GRI This video will be interesting for you if you want to learn more about how to CSR and Sustainability Communications and ...

[Video] Private Sector and the SDGs interview with Wayne Dunn March 2018

Private Sector and the SDGs The private sector has much to contribute to the SDGs, and much to gain by engaging and contributing. Aligning #SDG Impact and #BusinessValue is #SmartBiz A 30 minute interview on with noted Ghanaian journalist, Odelia Ofori Ntiamoah for her Development Agenda #SDGs, Local Impact | ...

[Video] SDGs, Government & Business

All investment is not equal. Smart governments looking to attract investment and grow economies are realizing that #SDG and #CSR performance is good for economies, good for business and good for governments. #CSR and #SDG performance is important to investors because they can drive investment returns. #SDGs are a more ...

[Video] SDGs, CSR and Investors

#CSR and #SDG performance is important to investors because they can drive investment returns. #SDGs are a more than simply a government development dream. #SmartBiz is integrating the #SDGs into #BizStrategy, driving #BizValue, #SocialValue & #EnvironmentalStewardship. Today, #SmartBiz creates social and environmental impact while creating business value. The SDGs are ...

[Video] SDGs, CSR & the Private Sector

#SDGs are more than simply a government development dream. #SmartBiz is integrating the #SDGs into #BizStrategy, driving #BizValue, #SocialValue & #EnvironmentalStewardship. Today, #SmartBiz creates social and environmental impact while creating business value. The SDGs are a great framework to facilitate that, and to enhance government and stakeholder relationships and grow ...

[Video] SDGs, CSR & the Banking & Finance Industry

#SDGs, #CSR & Banking & Finance. Its all about value! #BizValue, #SocialValue, #EnvironmentalStewardship. Aligning, integrating, optimizing & reporting. #NotZeroSum #SmartBiz knows this and performs better on all dimensions. Financial, social, sustainability & more ...

[Video] SDGs, CSR and Health Ministries

#Health runs through many #SDGs. Business is spending on the health sector as part of CSR, & through H.R. and other areas. I see a lot of opportunity for improved impact and value if Ministries of Health and industry can better coordinate and integrate health sector investments. Lots of room ...

[Video] SDGs, CSR and Education Ministries

#Education runs through many #SDGs. Business is spending on education as part of CSR, & through H.R. and other areas. I see a lot of opportunity for improved impact and value if Education Ministries and industry can better coordinate and integrate education investments. Lots of room for synergy if approached ...

[Video] Free Zones, CSR and the SDGs

#Sustainability, #SDGs & #CompetitiveAdvantage in the #FreeZone of the Future. Free Zone success will require growing investment & trade AND aligning #BizValue with #SocialValue & #EnvironmentalStewardship. Investment, Trade, BizGrowth, Inclusive Growth, Social Progress. Align these and your Free Zone has a sustainable competitive advantage. Free Zones, CSR and the SDGs ...

[Video] Sustainability Reporting

#SustainabilityReporting makes #BizSense. Using #SDG framework is #SmartBiz #GRI compliant is becoming the norm. Investors, regulators, employees & other stakeholders expect it. #SustainabilityReporting makes #BizSense. Using #SDG framework is #SmartBiz #GRI compliant is becoming the norm. Investors, regulators, employees and other stakeholders expect it. Over 90% of global 250 are ...

[Video] CSR, SDGs, Trade, Industry and Business

#SmartGov will encourage economic growth that drives #SDGs and #SocialProgress, creating policies, protocols and systems that align #BizValue, #SocialValue & #EnvironmentalStewardship. #GDP growth without #SDGprogress is barren, unsustainable & unpalatable To see other CSR/SDG vignette lectures by Wayne Dunn go to http://bit.ly/Strategic-CSR ...

[Video] CSR, SDGs and Communications

#SmartBiz is #Reporting & #Communicating strategically and integrating the #SDGs to drive #BizValue, #SocialImpact & #EnvironmentalStewardship. Don’t be ad-hoc, be strategic to drive value, success and sustainable impact #SDGs | #Smartbiz aligns business and social value #globalgoals #csr #sharedvalue #TellStories #CommunicateValue #BeHumble #BeRelevant Use #SDGs Framework But get your story ...

[Video] Opening address to Inaugural International Conference on CSR & SDGs, Dhaka Bangladesh, Nov 21-22, 2017

Wayne Dunn's opening address to Inaugural International Conference and Expo on CSR, Dhaka Bangladesh, Nov 21-22, 2017. The opening, delivered remotely, focuses on the importance of the private sector's engagement in the SDGs. Integrating the SDGs into business strategy to benefit business and to benefit society and environment. Aligning value, ...

[Video] Wayne Dunn Interview: Dubai, Dec 2016

Interview with Wayne Dunn, President of the CSR Training Institute, discussing global CSR and sustainability issues and trends, approaches to training and CSR strategy as well as the partnership between the CSR Training Institute and the Canadian University Dubai ...

[Video] Strategic CSR vs Zero-Sum CSR

Business creates value. CSR should be about much more than deciding how to allocate that value between society and shareholders. Beyond zero-sum is strategic CSR that aligns social, business and environmental interests to optimize value for all ...

[Video] CSR History: Society expects more

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k-OFBtsln30?rel=0 The world of business has changed. Society expects social performance along with financial performance and has the power to punish those that don’t deliver. Sustainability is the fastest growing shareholder issue (Harvard Business Review) ...

[Video] CSR: Purpose or Profit

Effective CSR aligns purpose and profit, balancing both to optimize the value created. If purpose and profit get out of balance in a company or project, risk increases and sustainability decreases ...

[Video] CSR- Charity or Strategy

#SmartBiz is transitioning from #CSR as charity to #StrategicCSR that efficiently aligns business, social, community and environmental value . Optimize #SDG impact & #BizImpact Learn how http://bit.ly/LearnCSR | May 28-June 1 in Jamaica Register at http://bit.ly/CSR-Results ...

[Video] CSR and the SDGs

The SDGs are a useful framework for facilitating public-private CSR partnerships. Using them can bring value to business and to society. The 17 Sustainable Development Goals were unanimously adopted by the United Nations and its member nations in September 2015. They are the de-facto global framework for development used by ...

[Video] Value of Environmental Efficiency

The old pollute and profit paradigm is being eclipsed by Stewardship and Profit. We aren’t fully there, but those businesses that learn to use our planet’s natural capital more efficiently are gaining marketplace advantage ...

[Video] Strategic CSR Training

Strategic #CSR drives efficiency at creating social & business value. This vignette, which was recorded ahead of an earlier Strategic CSR Training program, discusses the how participants will benefit from the training ...

[Video] Strategic CSR Training for Non-Business. WHY?

Non-business organizations that understand strategic CSR and sustainability will be better equipped to drive their agendas and create meaningful impact. Increasingly there is a shared social development agenda between business, NGOs, governments, communities, charities and civil society. Not perfect, but improving ...

[Video] Strategic CSR Training for Business. WHY?

Strategic CSR training will help companies to do better business. Period. It will help them to be more efficient at creating value: Shareholder value, social and community value, environmental value ...

[Video] SDG Partnerships

The #SDGs provide a great framework for structuring business, NGO and government partnerships. Public Private Partnerships that deliver business value, social progress and environmental stewardship ...

[Video] Managing CSR for Value Creation

#ValueCreation is at the core of business and at the core of successful CSR and sustainability. Strategic #CSR is about being more efficient at creating social and business value. Efficiency is at the heart of #SmartBiz and efficiency is core to #StrategicCSR We help businesses to Manage CSR for #ValueCreation ...

[Video] Integrating the SDGs into strategy PROGRAM

THIS talks about the PROGRAM #SmartBiz is integrating #SDGs into business strategy, aligning #SocialValue & #EnvironmentalStewardship with #BizValue and meeting the expectations of society, shareholders & stakeholders ...

[Video] Integrating the SDGs into Business Strategy

#SmartBiz is integrating #SDGs into business strategy, aligning #SocialValue & #EnvironmentalStewardship with #BizValue and meeting the expectations of society, shareholders & stakeholders. #GlobalGoals ...

[Video] CSR, Shareholders and Society

#StrategicCSR integrates the #SDGs & balances the interests of society, shareholders and the planet, aligning interests and driving value. It is far more than charity or something to try and make the company look good! Successful #CSR has a broad and strategic set of value propositions. It integrates and aligns ...

[Video] CSR Training: How we learn

The philosophy and learning process behind CSR training that drives impact, results and transformation. Blending lectures & groupwork, connecting theory to pragmatic implementation, and learning with and from global peers, participants learn to align corporate and societal value, optimizing impact and results across the board. Prepare your company and your ...

[Video] CSR: Value First, Value Always

#CSR is about value first, value always. Value to society, value to shareholders, value to planet. Staying focused on value and how it can be aligned and optimized will enable your CSR to have more impact and be more sustainable. #SDGs framework is useful to align business, social and environmental ...

[Video] CSR Communications

#CSR-Communications. Use #SDG & #GRI framework. Be #honest #interesting #humble & #strategic. Do #good & tell a #goodstory. #CreateValue from #CSR projects & programs. Drive #BizValue, #SocialValue & #SDGs progress #CSR Communications are critical to realizing full value from CSR investments. Yet, many still take an ad-hoc approach. Strategic CSR ...

[Video] CSR: Benefit or Burden

CSR: Benefit or Burden? Too often the answer isn’t clear, especially inside businesses. Sure, people will pay lip service to CSR value, but too often remain skeptical. CSR practitioners need to align social, business and environmental value, and make sure that the internal value proposition is communicated effectively ...

[Video] CSR and Internal Stakeholders

#CSR #SDGs & Internal Stakeholders. Critically important. Develop and communicate your internal business cases and create self-interested internal SDG & CSR Champions. Make CSR/SDG core to your real business strategy, not just a lip-service extra. Invest time in knowing how your SDG/CSR can create value and mitigate risk across your ...

[Video] NGOs and SDG partnerships

#NGOs can use #SDGs as a framework for engaging with business. NGO & development finance landscape has changed dramatically, & the SDGs & #CSR are a great outline to enable progressive business & NGOs to deliver #SocialProgress &shareholder value simultaneously, aligning social, environmental & business value ...