Knowledge Centre

CSR Success: Snippets for Stimulation and Action

I like to work with a simple formula: CSR Success is any initiative that aligns business value with social and/or environmental value.

CSR success is much more than simply doing good social work. In fact, doing good social work without creating value for your business or organization can easily be defined as CSR Failure, simply because it isn’t sustainable.

CSR success is about finding that sweet spot where you can deliver value to your business or organization, fulfilling its mission and mandate and SIMULTANEOUSLY deliver value to society and/or environment.

Below are various graphics and captions that I’ve develop to help stimulating thinking and action to lead towards CSR Success. If interested in more, please review other posts.

CSR Success

#CSRSuccess  | Just Doing Good Doesn’t Do It. Focus on simple, value-centric principles. Create, align & deliver business, social & environmental value – and do it efficiently.

Improve your CSR economics and impact

How well do you understand your CSR Economics? Have you analyzed them? Analyzing and understanding are key to improving them? #CSREconomics? CSR is much more than just doing good. It should be smart business. Ever wonder why the #CSR discussion so seldom focuses on efficiency in creating social and business value? Isn’t it worth thinking about? Just a bit more?

CSR Economics

CSR Economics: I find that if you think of CSR in relation to value (create, destroy, manage) it has parallels in a lot of dimensions. When you limit it to a mechanism to distribute value (charity/philanthropy) it gets forced into narrow, constrictive boxes. CSR Economics should range from value distribution through to value creation, and all points in between. #CSREconomics All about #value. Distribute, create or destroy value. Which do you practice? #GlobalGoals #SDGs #CSR #sharedvalue

CSR impact measurement

#CSR #Impact #Metrics. Don’t leave home without it! They should drive from strategy and effectively connect and align social and business value. Understand global, measure local and create 360 degree value! #SDGs #GlobalGoals #Sharedvalue Understand global, measure local. Drive from strategy to effectively connect & align social & business value. #SDGs

CSR - strategic or zero sum?

#CSR Economics: Distribute Value? or Create Value? #Strategic? or Zero Sum? Strategic aligns interests and creates value. Zero Sum distributes value. Which are you practicing? #SDGs #Globalgoals #CSR Economics: Distribute Value? or Create Value? #Strategic? or #ZeroSum? Which are you practicing? #SDGs #Globalgoals

CSR spending analysis

#CSR budgets shouldn’t get a free ride. They deserve the same rigor & value analysis as other budgets. If not, why not? #Globalgoals #SDGs

Charity or strategy?

 #CSR: #Charity? #Strategy? CSR as strategy can align social and business interests and create more value for all. Avoid zero-sum CSR #Global Goals

CSR & internal stakeholders

#CSR & Internal Stakeholders. Critically important. Develop and communicate your internal business cases and create self-interested internal CSR Champions. Make CSR core to your real business strategy, not just a lip-service extra. Invest time in knowing how your CSR can create value and mitigate risk across your business and operations. #CSR & Internal Stakeholders. Make CSR core to your real business strategy Create self-interested internal CSR Champions. #sharedvalue #SDGs

Value for society and shareholders

#CSR should balance & align interests of shareholders, society & planet. Lose balance? You lose value & create risk #SDGs #GlobalGoals

CSR communications

#CSR Communications can expand and extend value from CSR projects and programs. Be honest, interesting, humble and strategic. Tell a good story that audiences can hear and enjoy. #CSR Communications. Be #honest #interesting #humble & #strategic. Do #good & tell a #goodstory. Extend #value from CSR projects & programs


I hope you have enjoyed these little tidbits – and even more, I hope they helped to stimulate you and colleagues to discuss and learn with and from each other. Feedback and comments welcome.

Prof. Wayne Dunn

Wayne Dunn is an award-winning global sustainability expert with extensive teaching, writing, lecturing and advisory service experience. He is supported by an extensive faculty and advisory team.